10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Hormones

10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Hormones

10 Amazing Ways to Control Your Hormones


Hormones are the loud yet silent keepers of our bodies. When you have optimal levels, you don't know they exist. But if you're suffering from a hormonal imbalance, every tissue and pore screams for relief. The good news is that there are some amazing ways to control your hormones, and here are the best ten.


1| Supercharge Your Diet

Your body naturally makes hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. However, sometimes you need an extra boost. One way to control your hormones is through supercharging your diet with the following foods:


  • Egg yolks
  • Fatty fish (salmon, sardines)
  • Healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil)
  • Berries (blueberries, cherries, strawberries)
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower)
  • Leafy greens (lettuce, kale)
  • Beats (yellow or red)
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes


These superfoods not only trim the waistline but have science-backed research to show how they can balance and control hormonal imbalances. Check out these supercharged foods for men and women.


2|Get up and Move (yes, you)!

Regular exercise is as essential as a healthy diet. While it may seem like you have to engage in hardcore calorie burn each day to see any results, this isn't true.


It really only takes about 20-30 minutes per day 3-5 days a week to see results. And not only physically, but mentally and hormonally, too.


A simple solution for adding exercise into your day is a walk around the neighborhood.  You’re getting fresh air while raising your heart rate— oh, and taking control of your hormones.


3|Check in with your doctor

If you believe you have a hormonal imbalance, make an appointment with your doctor. You can request a hormone level baseline test to see if you're deficient.


Women experiencing menopausal symptoms are having drastic hormone drops causing significant side effects. It's common to have hormones checked during that time. Regardless of your age, checking for an imbalance gives you the knowledge you need.


4|Rub on High-quality Hormone Supplements

Transdermal supplements come in topical creams and patches. You can find high-quality estrogen, progesterone, melatonin, and testosterone online—all safe and effective to help with hormonal deficiencies.


Topical gels come in easy-to-administer pumps that penetrate the skin smoothly and enter the bloodstream fast. After that, your circulatory system takes care of the rest. Look for creams with natural ingredients and maximum strength for the best results.


5| Take Control of Your Stress

Stress spins havoc on your mind and body. While this may be common knowledge, what isn't commonly considered is that more pressure means more cortisol.


Cortisol is the stress hormone manufactured in response to unpleasant situations. It can also cause weight gain, depression, and anxiety if your body has sustained levels over an extended period. Look at your life (family and work) to see what stress triggers you can remove. Your heart and hormones will thank you.


6| Get Enough Sleep

If only we had 28 hours in a day, then perhaps we could actually get enough sleep. Well, we can’t add hours to our day, but we can make time for more rest. Sleep allows cells to regenerate, muscles to relax, and stress to be relieved. Less sleep also can tamper with your hormones. Catch some extra zzzs to take control of your hormones.


7| Avoid sugar and refined carbs

This tip goes along with supercharging your diet. The goal is to add in more fruits and vegetables and eliminate added sugars and refined carbohydrates. Just check the side of a cereal box for the sugars and carbs, and you'll be amazed at what you discover.


Unfortunately, sugar is now added to almost everything and has hidden names like fructose, sucrose, and high fructose corn syrup. Refined carbs can be anything in bread to your favorite pasta. All of which cause hormone changes.


8| Drink Green Tea

China has it correct when it comes to drinking lots of green tea. The antioxidants and hormonal balancing powers make it a must-have dietary addition.


There is also some evidence that it boosts metabolism and fights weight gain. However, be careful not to consume too much. Green tea comes packed with caffeine. Yet a cup or two a day never hurt anyone.


9| Avoid overeating

It's easy to overeat; all you have to do is look at the standard portion size in the United States. It becomes a habit to eat large meals. Yet overeating causes everything from obesity to hormonal fluctuations.


Our bodies produce hormones, but we also receive small amounts from our foods. Plus, all the time it takes for our bodies to digest large meals may mean it's not working optimally, causing a hormonal imbalance. An excellent solution is to cut your food in half at home or when eating out save half for later. Also, you can eat slowly and drink water to fill your stomach.


10| Let Go of Nicotine

The dire health effects of smoking are well-known. However, most people don’t realize how nicotine affects our hormones. One change in hormonal levels for women can make the difference between conceiving or entering early menopause.


Men can suffer from low energy and hair loss when testosterone levels are out of whack. There could be many causes for an hormonal imbalance, and one of them could be smoking.


Still it can be hard to quit. Anecdotal evidence suggests it's harder to quit smoking than just about any other bad habit. But if there's one crucial step you can take to improve your health, it's throwing out the pack for good.


When you're experiencing hormonal craziness, it feels like it'll never end. You're moody, bloated, hot, and tired. Sometimes all at once. 


Yet you can take control of your hormones. 


The first step is to ask yourself what you can do and what's possible. And remember, the simplest solution may be a high-quality hormonal cream that works for you. Sometimes, you want the cheeseburger and hormonal balance.

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