Bioidentical Hormones and Their Benefits

Bioidentical Hormones and Their Benefits

Have you heard of bioidentical hormones and wondering what they do? Hormones are critical messengers in your body and help support many important bodily functions. When hormone levels become depleted, many people experience severe side effects that detrimentally affect their health. 

One method for boosting hormone levels is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Through applying a topical hormone cream, levels balance and alleviate symptoms. There are different types of bioidentical hormones and the

benefits of BHRT.



DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is a natural hormone produced primarily in the adrenal glands. As a precursor hormone, it synthesizes different amounts into other hormones. For example, DHEA becomes testosterone, estriol, or estrogen. It stands to reason that if one has low DHEA, other hormone levels may be low as well. 

Throughout childhood and early adulthood, levels of DHEA increase, but by age 30, levels begin to taper off. While this is a natural part of the life cycle, levels become too low for some people and result in health concerns. Using a high-quality topical DHEA cream is effective in returning depleted levels.


Benefits of DHEA BHRT 

Supplementing with hormone therapy with DHEA may bring about many different benefits, including:

  • helps fight age-related health concerns
  • alleviates vaginal dryness
  • promotes weight loss
  • produces soft skin
  • increases bones density
  • balances mood

The best way to supplement with bioidentical hormones is through a topical cream. Your body absorbs the DHEA cream faster and more efficiently. DHEA comes in natural form and 7-Keto DHEA.



Estrogen is a female sex hormone critical for cycle regulation, fertility, strong bones, and other bodily functions. Men also produce estrogen but in smaller amounts. During a woman's monthly cycle, levels increase, and decrease. However, when women begin the transition into menopause, levels of estrogen plummet.

The drastic decrease in estrogen may result in painful side effects, such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal atrophy, and more. Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) adds back the missing hormone to alleviate the symptoms.


Benefits of ERT

Deciding to undergo ERT may be the answer you need to improve symptoms related to low estrogen levels. The reason men and women choose ERT is to alleviate the following health concerns: 

  • balances out symptoms related to menopause
  • builds healthy bones
  • regulates the menstrual cycle
  • improves vaginal issues
  • helps ovary issues



Estrogen has four primary forms, and one of them is estriol or E3. Women have an abundance of estriol during reproductive years, and after conception, estriol levels increase even further.

During pregnancy, the placenta produces estriol to support healthy fetus development. Throughout the pregnancy, levels of estriol continue to increase and reach a peak right before delivery. Besides ensuring a healthy pregnancy, estriol helps control weight and prevents cardiovascular disease.


Benefits of Estriol BHRT 

The benefits of estriol are similar to estrogen, and most people supplement with a high-quality estrogen cream to combat the symptoms related to menopause, including:

  • vaginal atrophy
  • mood swings
  • weight gain
  • hot flashes
  • dry, papery skin
  • low-sex drive


Other benefits of topical estrogen may include helping breast cancer patients enter remission faster and preventing urinary tract infections.



Considered the grandparent of all hormones, pregnenolone uses cholesterol to produce optimal amounts for the body to use. As a precursor hormone, the body converts pregnenolone into DHEA, which then synthesizes to other hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen. 

The adrenal glands produce most of the pregnenolone, but the skin, brain, liver, and ovaries generate smaller amounts for the body to convert. As one age, levels naturally decline and become more than half by age 70.

Some people wonder if pregnenolone is the same as DHEA. The answer is yes and no. You need pregnenolone to produce DHEA, but once that happens, DHEA converts to other hormones. However, you can't have one without the other.


Benefits of Pregnenolone BHRT 

There are many benefits of pregnenolone hormone therapy that many people may not be aware of, including: 

  • improves cognitive function
  • boosts mood
  • improves sleep performance
  • aids weight loss
  • boosts other hormone levels

Pregnenolone creams are safe and effective to use. The hormone gently nourishes the skin while being absorbed into the bloodstream.



Progesterone is the other primary female sex hormone. It works in tangent with estrogen for cycle regulation, fertility, and pregnancy viability. During the first part of a woman's cycle, estrogen levels are higher, but during ovulation levels of progesterone increase.

If egg implantation occurs, progesterone production thickens the uterine lining to support a fertilized egg. Throughout the pregnancy, progesterone is vital for a healthy fetus development and birth. 

During menopause, levels decrease and can result in weight gain, mood swings, and low sex drive. Progesterone cream also provides further balance if you're taking estrogen hormones to battle symptoms related to menopause.


Benefits of Progesterone BHRT

Benefits of taking natural progesterone supplements may include the following:

  • helps prevent the symptoms of menopause (vaginal atrophy, sleep issues, and night flashes)
  • supports a healthy endometrium lining necessary for pregnancy
  • maintaining good or HDL cholesterol levels
  • reducing side effects of synthetic hormones


Signs and symptoms of low hormones

There are many different symptoms connected to low hormone levels. Each person may experience one or many of the following signs indicating that bioidentical hormone therapy may be helpful.

  • difficulty sleeping
  • mood swings
  • hot flashes
  • weight gain
  • feeling weak and drained
  • hair loss
  • thin and papery skin
  • entering menopause
  • depression and anxiety
  • headaches or migraines
  • painful sex
  • low sex-drive


Bioidentical hormone creams

If you're experiencing low hormones, applying a bioidentical hormone cream may be the answer you need. While bioidentical hormones come in different applications (pills, gels, suppositories, and creams), topical creams may be the most effective. The form is simple, fast, and useful. You don't have to worry about swallowing a pill or waiting hours to find relief.

You can find topical creams in estrogen, estriol DHEA, progesterone, and pregnenolone. If you’re concerned that you have a hormonal imbalance, speak with your doctor about bioidentical hormones and what they do. You’ll be surprised at how simple it is to feel years younger.

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